
Contributions are welcome, preferably via pull request. Check the github issues and to see what needs work.

If you have an idea for a new feature, it’s worth opening a new ticket to discuss whether it’s suitable for the project, or would be better as a separate pacakge.


The easiest way to work on Mara is to fork the project on github, then install it to a virtualenv:

virtualenv mara
cd mara
source bin/activate
pip install -e

(replacing USERNAME with your username).

This will install the testing dependencies too, and you’ll find the Mara source ready for you to work on in the src folder of your virtualenv.


It is greatly appreciated when contributions come with tests, and they will lead to a faster merge and release of your work.

Use pytest to run the tests:

cd path/to/mara

These will also generate a coverage HTML report.