
Installing Mara

Mara requires Python 3.10 or later.

Install to your Python environment with:

pip install mara

We recommend using pyenv and a virtual environment to manage Mara’s Python environment.


If you prefer, you can install the development version direct from github instead:

pip install -e git+

This may contain changes made since the last version was released - these will be listed in the Changelog.

If you are planning to contribute to Mara, see Contributing for more details.

Running the examples

The examples are not installed by pip. To try them out, grab them from github:

git checkout
cd mara/examples

You can then run the examples using python:


All examples listen to on port 9000.

Deploying Mara

If deploying your Mara project to a Linux environment, we recommend using your distribution’s init daemon (eg init.d or systemd) to run your project on boot and restart it if necessary.